05 August 2015

from the human

This has been a very busy month
We are in a window in the wondrous baby and children's store, Penny's From Heaven, in Lake Forest, Illinois
We are back on the board of PawsChicago.Org, and will donate a portion of proceeds to the first no kill shelter in Chicago, where " no dog has an expiration date."
Henry visited the Paws adoption event in Lake Forest, on Market Square, as an alum, and to encourage the dogs there for adoption, that he is proof that miracles do happen.
Over forty dogs found forever homes that day.
Henry was attired in a yellow Eco leather collar and leash, from Lifewith16Dogs.com
Resplendently sparkling with rhinestones, the collars, leashes and halters which we carry are all eco leather, humanely sourced, often re purposed
Henry had to have a cool down, and so the waterproofing and durability of the colors were tested
Plunged into the elegant fountain, Henry splashed around, and came out with collar and leash intact
His hair was another matter.

14 July 2015

Paws Alumnus visits Alma Mater

Hi all, this is Henry, here to spread some good news about my alma-mater, PAWS Chicago!  This past  Sunday PAWS was hosting an adoption event in the Illinois city of Lake Forest.  I was absolutely ecstatic that my human was willing to take me out to support all of the dogs in need of homes.  For all who don't know, PAWS Chicago is a no-kill shelter, which is committed to putting an end to the killing of homeless cats and dogs.

As an alumnus of this wonderful organization, I felt as though it was my duty to visit all of the pups in need and send them my love and support.  I was astounded at what an amazing turn out there was! It seemed to me as though the adoption counseling tables were filled at all times and many of the dogs were adopted.  My human is a huge supporter of PAWS and wanted me to share the wonderful news about this truly outstanding organization.  She herself is committed to putting an end to the torture of animals and has many products in her store which she will allow animals to become healthier, especially animals that come from bad environments.

One of my favorite items in her store is the product Fizzion!  As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am a dog and there are many times when I feel the need to mark my territory (much to my humans dismay.)  There have been plenty of occasions where I have decided to, shall I say "let it go" upon certain cherished valuables belonging to my human and even worse, strangers.  Of course, my human always has a bottle of Fizzion on her so neither of us ever end up getting in trouble.  One time I decided to use a gorgeous white silk French scarf as a territory marker, needless to say my human was aghast!  However, she remained calm, simply sprayed on the Fizzion, and voila! The stain was gone without a trace!

I apologize for my seemingly random soliloquy about Fizzion, however I swear it ties back into the aforementioned PAWS adoption story.  So, anyway, I was at the PAWS adoption event and I know that many pups coming out of shelters have problems controlling their bladders.  I was worried about all of my canine friends. After all, I would hate to see any of them get returned because they accidentally "let loose" upon one of their new owners favorite articles of clothing or a fancy rug.  So I decided to share my knowledge of Fizzion with all of my friends, in order to ensure that they would be taken care of in the event of an accident.  Meanwhile, my wonderful human handled all of the human interactions since they have yet to perfect that dog to human translator.

All in all, my visit to the PAWS Chicago adoption event was an overwhelming success.  I was able to see many homeless pups find their forever homes and I couldn't be more proud of the work that my alma mater is doing for the canine community.  I am proud to be a PAWS alumnus and so happy to have found my own forever home.

You can find Fizzion and more products at http://shop.lifewith16dogs.com

06 July 2015

Juliette Stops to Smell the Pansies

Juliette is quite enamored with white pansies and they match her beautiful fur quite nicely. She notes that "one must cultivate what is wonderful and lovely in life."  Her exquisite tastes and connoisseurship
are legendary and many a pup seek her opinions on just about everything.  She is known to hold court on all things that make life exquisite, but only with a select few.  Peut-etre avec Esme, une petite fleur elle-meme!

Amélie's Little Secret

Hello readers, this is Amélie (the lovely Maltese) and I'm ready to come clean on my little beauty secret.  Recently I have been feeling very self conscious about the dark tear marks that I get under my eyes.  All of the other dogs were teasing me and I became afraid to show my face in public.  As of late, I simply hid under the humans bed, and while this was a great option for checking out the latest fashions of Jimmy Choo, it was severely hindering my ability to be confident and enjoy life.  

A few months ago I began using products to get rid of the dark tear marks under my eyes.  However, to my dismay I quickly found out that the products were not FDA approved and they had ingredients that were harmful.  Then, a few weeks ago, I found a wonderful new product.  Eye Envy!  This wonderful product IS FDA approved and it really works!  Finally, I am able to come out from beneath the bed and live my life again.  I am sincerely overjoyed by this new product.  The dark tear marks underneath my eyes have disappeared and I am once again able to revel in the excitement that comes with being an adorable white pup.

While I'm slightly insecure about admitting that I need a little extra help to look my best, I decided to set my insecurities aside in order to help all the other pups out there facing this same problem.  So to all you Maltese's and light colored dogs of any breeds, indulge in this lovely beauty regimen! I found a great deal on starter kits and all Eye Envy needs at http://shop.lifewith16dogs.com/product/eye-envy-dog-eye-stain-removal-xl-4-oz so check it out and allow yourself to look and feel your best!  (Just make sure not to tell that cute poodle next door, I want him to think this look is completely natural)  

Love Always

02 July 2015

Breaking News in Fashionable Couture Pet Clothing

Hello all, this is the human speaking, and oh boy do I have some fabulous news for all you fashionistas out there!  Having 16 dogs, I am an avid connoisseur of all things dog related.  I must admit, I tend to spoil my pups with couture pet clothing and fashionable products.  Of course how could I not: they're family!  I figure, I've become quite a keen buyer when it comes to the latest fashion trends in couture clothing for my pets, so why not pay my expertise forward?

I've decided to add a whole new line of couture pet clothing to my website to help make pups everywhere become a little more fashionable.  After all, they deserve couture, they deserve fashion, they deserve love.  I'm so very proud of the new couture pet clothing that keeps coming in, I swear I want to just keep it all for my own pups, however all dogs deserve to be fashionable (not just mine.)
These wonderful couture clothes are coming in from all over Europe, mainly Italy, Spain, and France.  New couture fashions keep coming in so I'll continue to update all of you wonderful readers when new shipments come in.

I'm so very excited about these couture pet fashions, the clothing simply cannot be surpassed in quality or style.  Many of the items are completely hand-stiched and the embroidery is simply impeccable.  I've posted many picture of some of the most fashionable items concerning your pets clothing, however there's much more on the website so feel free to check it out and indulge in fashionable couture clothing for your lovely pet!


Truly, what can be more fashionable than this couture dog dress from Oscar Newman?  This really is the epitome of designer pet clothing  

This fashionable number is almost as cute as the pup modeling it, wonderful couture clothing for your wonderful pet/princess/prince

What dog or human is complete without a couture bag? This fashionable pet carrier bag is perfect for keeping your pet cozy and allowing you to gleam with style.  Specially designer from Spain, I made sure to have extra safety added because pet safety is just as important as pet fashion
And of course, what is a couture Spanish bag without a matching dress for your fashionable pet?  

Check out all of these couture pet fashions and more at http://lifewith16dogs.com and please leave comments below so I know what you all like and dislike, you all are as much a part of this company as I am and comments are always taken into heart and very appreciated

Until Next Time
Much Love
The Human

06 April 2015

For Buckingham Palace, and all those whose dogs.....do what they should do, however, certainly not where they do do it

Queen Juliette comments below

The Human who cleans up little mistakes around the palace, has found the very best miracle remover of all! Traces of things dogs are not supposed to do, but always do, on rugs, furniture, and so on, disappear at the application of Fizzion Clean!! Fizzion is a CO2 spray, green as The Royal Gardens, safe as anything one could have imagined, ( even for those dogs who, inexplicably, insist upon licking it .)
The Dowager Queen finds the only spot worthy of her leavings, is one of the antique Aubusson palace carpets, in palest of pastels.  'Tis is her chosen spot, and no amount of pleading has changed her mind
As the human who scurries behind her, at a respectful distance, of course, once she has left the area,
I blot the deposit with paper towels, holding it down with my non royal foot, I then liberally pour on the Fizzion, soaking the area, retreat from the room and find the sherry decanter
Every single time, there is no evidence that anything untoward has happened, no matter what the content of said leaving. I repeat, nothing remains at all!
Queen Juliette: "A piffle of a problem. Not worth mentioning, ( but, secretly, she has written to her good friend, The (other) Queen, to use Fizzion with her Corgis).
"And so, dear readers, puppies, dogs, kittens, cats and probably hamsters and such, do direct your human staff to obtain for you, the above named miracle product.
And now, I must be off. It is time for a little sherry. Hmm, the sherry seems to have gotten a little low."
As ever,  HRH, Juliette,
Queen of All That Matters
(and, her ever patient human)

Fizzion can be ordered from


(Cleaning Supplies)